Learn How You Can Duplicate Our End-To-End Marketing System That Is Signing On 20+ New Clients/Week In The Next 30 Days…

(And we guarantee you ROI, or you don’t pay)

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(If you qualify in, you have our 100% Success Guarantee. If you don't ROI—You Don't Pay)

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As Featured in:

How We're Selling Over $52 Million Of Coaching Per Year Using The "RMAS" Marketing System...

Read this full report for you to know...

How to have a predictable and repeatable system for signing on 5-20+ new clients each month...

With our private collection of winning funnels, ad campaigns, sales scripts, email copy and word-for-word templates, you have everything you need to consistently earn $100k, $250, $500k, and higher months...

❌ without being frustrated form "doing everything right" yet still not watching you income grow as fast as you want it to.

❌ without posting more content and needing more followers.

❌ without wasting any more money on business coaches, masterminds, or agencies.

…all while being able to sleep well because leads are pouring in and your bottom line is growing.

But first, you should know...

I have personally made my fortune with “coaching.”

Still, I barely passed high school, have no formal training in writing or advertising, was in “special needs” classes in primary school, have no special technical expertise, and can barely figure out the tech stuff. 

I suppose I’m woefully unqualified for this business. I doubt I could get a job at an ad agency or marketing company. 

Yet I successfully sold my last multi-7-figure coaching business, and now…

This year, our partner portfolio will sell over $52 million dollars worth of coaching programs (And personally profit a few million myself)

So whether you’re more in “start-up” mode and want to get to $30k, $40k, or even $50k a month.

Or, you’re more seasoned and want the roadmap to $100k, $250k, and even $500k monthly and more… 

This is for you 👇👇

Because the only question you, as a coach and business owner, need to answer right now is; 

What is the best way to get new clients and keep them paying you more and for longer?

And that's exactly what I will walk you through right now…

Yes, that's a bold promise.

But stick with it to the end, and you’ll see why I’m so confident in saying that.

In this report, I’ll break down the two major components we use to rapidly scale our six-, seven-, and eight-figure coaching businesses.

Which are:


The Million Dollar Roadmap

a. I’ll walk you through our three-stage roadmap, which shows you the process we use to grow coaching businesses from $10k a month to $10k a week… to $10k a day and beyond.


The 8-Figure RMAS Method

b. You’ll see how the 6 most important playbooks we use to generate leads and sales work, so you’ll know the best next steps for making it work inside your coaching business.

The TRUTH To Why Your Marketing and Funnels Arn’t Working For You Right Now…

I know you're busting your ass, doing everything you're told, and still watching your income flatline. 

❌ You're knee-deep in webinars, challenges, VSLs, book funnels, and social media, and yet, the leads are as scarce as hen's teeth.

The problem with so many of these tactics is that they involve lots of upfront work, are tech-heavy, require large budgets, and are oversaturated with every Tom, Dick, and Harry trying the same damn thing. 

And guess what? They don't guarantee a damn thing.

But here's the cold, hard truth why you, and many like you, are stumbling into the same brick wall month after month. 

We're smack dab in the middle of a "trust crisis."

Skepticism is sky-high, everyone and their grandmother is peddling information, and competition is fiercer than a junkyard dog. 

Those “strategy sessions,” webinars, Facebook groups, Instagram posts, and DM ads? 

They’re about as effective as a screen door on a submarine.

I've seen this train wreck up close. In the past year alone, I've clocked over 220 hours consulting with 6, 7, and 8-figure coaches. 

They all came to me with the same SOS signal, desperate for a lifeline. And let's not even talk about the small fortune I've blown trying to make those old-school methods work. It finally dawned on me: they were sinking because they didn't build enough trust.

If you're still trying to haul in clients with the old way, I bet you're seeing:

  • High cost-per-lead

  • Sales call no-shows that make you want to pull your hair out

  • Conversion rates tanking faster than a lead balloon

  • Fewer clients signing on, shrinking your revenue pipeline to a trickle

So, what's the magic bullet?

Enter the 7-11-4 Rule.

Google's deep dive into buyer data showed that it takes 7 hours of content consumption, over 11 touch points, and across 4 platforms to turn a lead into a client.

That's why we crafted the RMAS method to:

  • Ramp up your exposure to potential clients

  • Turbocharge the time they spend with your brand.

  • Build trust through a rock-solid process.

  • Skyrocket your sales.

This is all without turning you into an overworked “influencer,” grinding out endless content or wrestling with social media algorithms.

The answer isn’t in one funnel.

It's a matrix of 6 key playbooks that bring new clients in like clockwork each month.

I’m going to explain exactly how these 6 Playbooks work. But first, let me tell you how this all kicked off.

See, It All Started At A Sauna In Bali At 6 am. With Me Standing There, Jaw On The Floor…

I was doing what we entrepreneurs are told to do to excel: early morning sauna and ice baths, right?!

And while sitting there with sweat dripping off me, Simon, an early 30’s coach, and I got chatting, mostly talking about nothing, when he said: 

“I’d give ten… heck, twenty thousand dollars just to go through your Google Drive.”

“My Google Drive?” I asked.

“Yeah. Look. Dig. Treasure-hunt. Poke. Maul. Swipe. Take everything I need.”

“And why $20,000?” I said, with a shocked look on my face.

“One new client is worth up to $5,000 to me…

…hell, if I only get one new client a week from it, it's worth every cent”, saying as he walked out of the sauna.

So, I returned to my Macbook and screened all my Google Drive folders…

And he was right; there was a fortune in information there—this quite literally is the treasure trove that has all the IP, winning funnels, ad campaigns, emails, content copy, examples of unusual strategies, and magic tricks we are using today to scale 7 and 8-figure coaching businesses.

Anybody trying to sell a coaching program in any form would kill for all this – or spend nearly 20 years accumulating, saving, and sorting as I did. 

The evidence is in the proof…

One partner posted that they're doing over $1M in profit PER QUARTER.

YES, every 90 days, he’s got another million in his personal bank account.

Then another coach using our system added an extra $100,000 cash collected AND $35,000 in monthly recurring in less than 7 days of starting…

Plus, it's working just as well for new coaches. With one partner, we turned on their RMAS method, which added over $50,000 in new clients.

Or how about another coach using the same system that did $566,600 in sales in less than 30 days…

One partner posted that they're doing over $1M in profit PER QUARTER.

YES, every 90 days, he’s got another million in his personal bank account.

Then another coach using our system added an extra $100,000 cash collected AND $35,000 in monthly recurring in less than 7 days of starting…

Plus, it's working just as well for new coaches. With one partner, we turned on their RMAS method, which added over $50,000 in new clients.

Or how about another coach using the same system that did $566,600 in sales in less than 30 days…

So, yeah… Our system works.

Now, before I show you exactly what you get inside this “no-brainer” of an offer that you’d likely kick yourself if you passed up…

..You need to know

So, yeah… Our system works.

Now, before I show you exactly what you get inside this “no-brainer” of an offer that you’d likely kick yourself if you passed up…

..You need to know

The Four Challenges That Are Stalling (or Even Killing) Your Sales and Revenue Growth…

After nearly two decades in the coaching industry, building and selling a successful coaching company, and racking up over 220 hours of consultation with 6, 7, and 8-figure coaches, I’ve pinpointed four major roadblocks that, once demolished, pave the way to explosive growth. 

Challenge #1: “I’ve Already Got a Business Coach or Mastermind I’m a Part Of”

I get it. You’ve got a coach.

Maybe even a mastermind. But let me ask you this: if they were the magic bullet, why are you here, reading this? 

You’d be lounging on a yacht off the Croatian coast, perfecting that suntan, not seeking solutions.

Our edge? We don’t just talk the talk. 

We’ve been in the trenches, scaling coaching businesses to millions in revenue. We offer real-world, up-to-the-minute strategies that work.

Sure, coaches and masterminds are great. 

But they often come with a catch: watered-down, one-size-fits-all advice. Endless content, little specificity, and no hands-on, actionable insights tailored to your unique challenges.

That's why I rolled up my sleeves after selling my last coaching company and jumped back into the business-building grind.

Challenge #2: “I Already Have a Team Doing My Marketing”

Sounds good in theory, right? 

Unless you’ve got the right systems and strategies locked down, you shouldering the hefty burden of recruitment, training, and management. 

And let's face it, that often means more headaches, not less.

Instead of delegating and focusing on growth, you’re stuck in the weeds, juggling multiple team members and managing their daily tasks, which may or may not be aligned with what’s actually needed to propel your business forward.

Challenge #3: “I’ve Hired an Agency to Do My Marketing and Ads”

Ah, the allure of the agency—seems like a dream, right? 

Until you find yourself another casualty of the cookie-cutter approach. 

You end up with junior staff on your accounts, a diluted strategy, and less-than-stellar results.

Relying on organic marketing can feel like being a dancing bear, always at the mercy of the latest algorithm. 

Building a paid ad-selling system can give you peace of mind. But too many have been burned by agencies trying to juggle many clients from too many industries, leaving you with lackluster outcomes.

Challenge #4: “I’m Not 100% Sure What I Need to Do to Speed Up Sales and Growth”

Bingo. That’s why you’re still here, scrolling through this.

I get it. This all sounds great, but there’s that little voice in the back of your head holding you back from booking a demo call.

What if it’s just more of the same?

Here’s why it’s different:

  • First, if you qualify and don’t see a return on investment, we give you a full refund. That’s right. We’re that confident in what we do because your success is our success. We thrive on performance, not promises.

  • Second, our demo call is designed to show you how our system can be a game-changer for your business and answer every question you have along the way. There is no pressure or hard sell—just a straightforward look at how we can help you crush those barriers to growth.

  • That's why I’m so confident in inviting you to book your demo call

As Of Today All Spots For Are Almost Gone

If it’s not for you, no harm, no foul. But if it is?

You might just find yourself on that yacht sooner than you think.

Now, being in the coaching industry for nearly 20 years, I know…

There are two kinds of coaches in the world today…

The first kind grinds for their money…

They're working 12-14 hours a day…

They are constantly stressed and anxious about their finances, generating leads, hitting revenue goals, and paying their team members…

They’ll even work for months or even years without a vacation, like I did, all just to achieve the illusion of freedom.

And unfortunately, as you’ll see in a moment, they never will…

But then there’s the second kind of coach…

The kind that lives a life of real financial freedom…

Doing the work they love and impacting lives…

Traveling the world whenever they want…

Spending as much time with their family as they choose…

Working because they want to and not because they have to…

And on top of that, their wealth and freedom grow in the process…


They use a predictable and reliable system that (nearly) grows their income on auto-pilot.

Every Month, $20,000… $60,000 or More Rolls In Their Bank Account…

No matter what's happening in their business and no matter what's happening in the economy.

Look, I don't know about you, but I wanted to become an entrepreneur in the first place to have freedom…

To do what I wanted when and with whom I wanted…

You with me?

Because if you’re nodding your head yes… Then this 6-step system is for you…

So, How Do You Get From Wherever You Are Today To This Magical Place Of Financial Freedom I’m Talking About?

It’s simple…

This system will take you from a lifelong career filled with stress and financial ups and downs most people could never handle…

As I don’t know what your version of real financial freedom and security looks like.

…maybe it’s being able to

never worry about bills and money again.

…maybe it’s being able to go to

Mexico for a month and not work a minute.

…maybe it’s being able to do school drop-off and pick-up,

being there for your kids, and never stressing about needing to work more.

Whatever it is, I want you to have it, and I know that this marketing system will help you get it.

And if you want my team to build, install, and run our proven marketing system for you, I recommend booking a demo with my team now.

As Of Today All Spots For Are Almost Gone

My aim for creating this case study report for you is simple…

We would like to give you our upper hand so you can blow your competition away.

Every day, we roll up our sleeves and work in the trenches, building campaigns, funnels, and strategies to grow our six-, seven-, and eight-figure coaching businesses.

We have the data and real-world feedback on what works today so that we can shortcut the entire process for you.

We don’t sell business coaching or masterminds at The Rainmakers.We work as partners, working one-on-one with coaches to build and run fully customized marketing systems because we know the only way to get it done is to do it for you (you already have too much on your plate).

I’m not trying to sell everyone on this. I know not all entrepreneurs are ready for the services we offer.

If you think you might be ready, though, there’s zero downside to booking a demo call and speaking with my team about installing the RMAS System™ for you. 

As Of Today All Spots For Are Almost Gone

But if we’re just meeting for the first time…

Hi, I’m Chris.

It was back in 2014 when I started my first online coaching business.From the outside looking in, I was successful.But it was all a lie.I had started in a laundry closet (as a makeshift home office)...

Back then, we had one daughter who was just one year old.

I was desperately searching for clients and practically “begging” people to sign on with me.

I listened to all the advice when building my online business.

I ended up with a confusing mess of different types of funnels, ideas, and a never-ending list of to-dos.

It was hard to tell where business ended and life began. I didn't have time to spend with my wife and new baby daughter.

The reality of my life back then was…

…I had an anxiety attack

and thought I was about to drop dead.

…I was a shitty dad

because I was missing the critical moments, and when I was there physically, mentally I was stressing over work.

…my marriage was on the rocks.

Finally, one night, after we had put our daughter to bed and cleaned up after dinner, and I fell onto the couch with exhaustion, my wife Lauren said to me…

“You’re not being the father and husband I want to be with…”

And she was right.

I wasn't being the man I wanted to be.

And my wife and daughter were the ones being hurt the most out of me struggling and straining, not succeeding.

My priorities were out of whack.

Everything had to change, and it had to happen quickly.

Today, my wife and four daughters have multiple homes worldwide.

I don’t work a full day, but I wake up every morning with my team running the entire business operations.

My business rakes in multiple 6 figures a month, with me only doing the work I love to do.

Importantly, I have the time and space to spend with my family, choosing what I want to do and when I want to do it…

And it's because I finally cracked the code to having a predictable and reliable system that brings in high-quality leads and turns them into high-value clients.

And that's what I want for you…

But to achieve that,

you must follow the rules governing coaching businesses.

Mark Ford said,

‘Businesses grow in Ones, Threes, and Tens. '

And over the last 15+ years of running coaching businesses, I have known this to be true. 

And why we have created…

You’re not being the father and husband I want to be with…

At each growth stage, there are universal problems and opportunities that you will need to work on and solve to move to the next level…

The law of constraint states that any system's performance is limited by its weakest link or bottleneck. 

In other words, no matter how well the other parts of the system function, the overall output cannot exceed the capacity of the most restrictive part. 

This concept is crucial in identifying and solving the key limiting factor to grow your business and bottom line.

This is part of the secret sauce to why we can grow coaching businesses so quickly. We pinpointed the problem accurately and installed the playbook that unlocks growth.

The problem is if you do not know the one key constraint you need to work on right now…

…You could be working hard, following your business coach or gurus' advice. 

And yet

🤔 You’re struggling to grow.…

🤔 You’re agonising to get clients consistently.…

🤔 Your business feels like it’s constantly got an anchor slowing it down.

The good news is that you only need to follow the roadmap I have for you here so you can pinpoint and solve the key constraints in your business right now.

To state it as plainly as possible…

You can grow your bottom line, have clients sign on, and your entire business works like clockwork.

Sounds good, huh?!

It took me and my team far too long to know this, but now that we have, I will walk you through how we built and used the Million Dollar Roadmap in our partner's businesses so we can rapidly grow them.

Before I get into the “step-by-step” of how we follow the roadmap and, importantly, use the 6 playbooks, if you have seen enough and are ready to book a demo call, there's no need to wait until the end of this report.

You can book a demo call with my team now and learn more about what it's like to partner with us so that we can build and run the entire marketing system for you.

And remember, this is a demo call, not a sales call.

Our success rates are high because we are super selective about our clients. Our primary goal in this demo session is to learn more about you and your business while answering all your questions so we can make an informed decision.

If we mutually agree it’s a fit, we can discuss the next steps, but there’s no risk to booking a demo to discuss how we can custom-tailor the RMAS System™ for your business.

I promise you’ll get a lot from the conversation, even if we choose not to move forward.

Now, let me walk you through how the Rainmakers Roadmap works.

This isn't just a roadmap—it's a strategic, battle-tested system that breaks down your business into five core pillars:

1. Lead Generation

2. Conversion

3. Delivery

4. Operations

5. Founder

$0 - $35k/mo [The Incubator]

We call the phase of $0 to $35,000 a month The Incubator.

For ease of execution, we break this phase into two parts.

1. $0 to $10,000 a month.

2. $10,000 to $35,000 a month.

Most coaches are overwhelmed when starting because they don't know what to do. The truth is, we all have limited time and energy, making it even more important that you only take the few critical actions that will get clients signing on and money into your bank account.

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To go from zero to $10,000 a month,

we focus only on the essentials to sign on clients and cash in your back pocket: lead generation, conversion, and delivery. Think of this as boot camp…

1. Lead Generation: To get leads fast, you need a high-converting offer and a 30-day quick wins challenge, even with a small budget or zero followers.

2. Conversion: Our simple conversion playbook is so straightforward a seven-year-old could follow it. Turn those leads into clients effortlessly.

3. Delivery: Launch your Hero Program (the first phase of what you need to deliver to your clients to get the winning) and create a killer onboarding process. This ensures new clients have a top-notch experience from day one without you spending months building a course or program.

The goal here?

Get up and running fast and efficiently without draining your bank account on ads or getting stuck in content production hell.

Then, to go from $10,000 to $35,000 a month, we focus on building on your momentum.

Zero to $10k is manual, and by using the proven start-up methods, we can quickly grow to $35k/mo by laying over more advanced playbooks.

$35k - $100k/mo [Step-Up]

In this phase, you’re not just growing but establishing a systemized process that works almost automatically.

Most coaches report a dramatic change in how they feel about their business and life when growing past $35k/mo because they’re out of the start-up stressors.

However, the prominent mistake coaches make that keeps them plateauing around this income level is not being able to amplify their leads and sales

This is why, inside The Rainmakers, our partner level typically starts at around $35k/mo, where they now have the bandwidth and resources to use the most advanced playbooks.

We tell our partners to “strap on and hold onto the rocket” at this level because when done right, you’ll see fast growth and a big increase in the number of clients signing on.

The 4 departments we focus on to take you from $35k/mo to $100k/mo is…

In this phase, you’re not just growing but establishing a systemized process that works almost automatically.

Most coaches report a dramatic change in how they feel about their business and life when growing past $35k/mo because they’re out of the start-up stressors.

1. Lead Generation

Implement the DTO (Direct-to-Offer) Funnel and Top-of-Funnel Framework to generate high-quality leads consistently.

2. Conversion

Use the Million Dollar Microwave and the 4P Close System for a high-converting sales process tailored to your clients.

3. Delivery

Automate parts of your delivery process so you can handle more clients without a massive team.

4. Operations

Develop a scorecard and communication cadence to make data-driven decisions and keep your team effective without needing high-salary talent.

$100k/mo - $250k/mo [Grow-Up]

Welcome to the “Million Dollar Myth”...

A great friend and mentor, Alex Charfen, was the genius who taught me about the million-dollar myth. I remember the pain and frustration I felt when I first heard this.

Most coaches think that when they reach the $1,000,000.00 a year mark

, all their dreams come true, and life suddenly becomes a dream ride.

The reality is that if you’ve not set up your business model and systems correctly, this is when your stress is highest.


Because your business feels like it's just hanging together, pieced together with duct tape and string.

At around the million-dollar-a-year mark

, you typically experience growth pains that require a different perspective and solution than what got you to this income level.

Again, this is why we return to the “business grows in ones, threes, and tens” approach, introducing you to new problems and opportunities.

The beauty is that when done correctly, the other side of this growth stage is vastly more money and greater freedom.

You’ll feel the weight and burden fall off your shoulders and feel a sense of peace in your business that you would have never felt before.

We have new playbooks to install for each of the 5 accelerators, focusing on scaling up to a multi-million-dollar run rate.

1. Lead Generation

Focus on workshops and an ad matrix. This isn’t just about pulling in leads—it’s about having a system where every dollar spent on ads brings multiple dollars back.

2. Conversion

Optimize with the Ascension Model and Client System Playbook to increase your client's lifetime value and your profit margins.

3. Delivery

The Ascension Model creates a “yellow brick road.” That is how we bring on a client in our Front-End offer and ascend the way to increase their lifetime value and drastically increase your profits.

The Client Success System ensures a repeatable process that is NOT dependent on you for your clients to get results. At this stage, the founder must step back and allow the team and systems to do the heavy lifting.

4. Operations

Install a robust company operating system and a hiring process to create and manage scalable processes. Your team should now be able to run their systems, freeing you up immensely.

5. Founder

Implement the Executive Assistant and 30-Day Vacation Playbook to ensure your business thrives even when you’re not around.

This phase is about building a business machine that works without you, allowing you to step back and enjoy the fruits of your labor.

$250k - $1M/mo [Scale-Up]

The final frontier. You are taking your business from a $3 million run rate to an eight-figure juggernaut.

Now, I’m going to be transparent with you.

I’ve had plenty of conversations with coaches about whether they want to grow their businesses from $3M annually to crack eight figures.

“Why wouldn’t coaches want to take this leap, Chris?”

Good question.

It’s because the business typically has to make a drastic evolution here.

If not done correctly, profit margins crash, sales become hard and slow, and, importantly, you, as the head honcho, will loathe the business you have built.

Team and systems are the key focus at this level through each of the 5 accelerators.

1. Market Expansion

Broaden your market and increase your Total Addressable Market (TAM)

2. Lead Generation & Conversion

Install the World-Class Coaching Team and Multiple Products Playbook to diversify revenue streams and boost profit margins.

3. Operations

Bring in a Scale Operator and Head of Revenue to ensure your business grows without your constant oversight.

4. Wealth

Implement the Profit to Wealth Plan and Wealth Advisory Playbook to manage your newfound wealth. This is where you shift from making money to building generational wealth that provides true freedom.

The good news is…

When executed properly, you can take a leap that few coaches do.

On the other side of this growth are the businesses and the freedom a tiny fraction of the entire population gets to experience.

Being wildly profitable, but also have a business that feels like it's “bomb proof”.

Follow these stages, use these systems, and watch as you transform from a scrappy startup to a thriving, multi-million-dollar powerhouse.

Now, let’s talk about the marketing and growth system we use to make this happen…

How To Build The 6-Step RMAS “Client On Demand” Method

Ok, let’s get into it…

If you want to create a dream coaching business that pulls in clients like a magnet, you need the RMAS Method.

It's not a linear process—this bad boy is all about exponential growth.

Think of the Avengers movies, and you have Thanos, a dude who wants to take over the universe… Let's replace him with you, a smart coach who wants to positively impact lives.

Thanos needs six infinity stones to conquer.

By themselves, the infinity stones are cool but not that powerful.

They need to be working together to have their full power.

Without all six working together, Thanos is just a heavy lump, getting angry.

This is where you need all six playbooks working together to unlock exponential growth, eventually leading to your owning a client-on-demand, profit-generating machine.

You, without all six playbooks together, equal a frustrated coach, working hard but not getting far.

Here's the key idea you need to grasp: start by visualizing the outer edge of the circle.

You throw a dollar into the machine. This machine pulls in high-quality leads... And converts them into valuable clients. Result? You end up with a fat stack of cash.

You take a good chunk of that profit, stash it in your account, and buy whatever your heart desires.

But you’re not done yet. You also reinvest part of those profits back into the machine to attract more clients.

Then, you rinse and repeat, creating a flywheel effect that drives rapid growth.

It's not a linear process—this bad boy is all about exponential growth.

Think of the Avengers movies, and you have Thanos, a dude who wants to take over the universe… Let's replace him with you, a smart coach who wants to positively impact lives.

Thanos needs six infinity stones to conquer.

By themselves, the infinity stones are cool but not that powerful.

They need to be working together to have their full power.

Without all six working together, Thanos is just a heavy lump, getting angry.

This is where you need all six playbooks working together to unlock exponential growth, eventually leading to your owning a client-on-demand, profit-generating machine.

You, without all six playbooks together, equal a frustrated coach, working hard but not getting far.

Here's the key idea you need to grasp: start by visualizing the outer edge of the circle.

You throw a dollar into the machine. This machine pulls in high-quality leads... And converts them into valuable clients. Result? You end up with a fat stack of cash.

You take a good chunk of that profit, stash it in your account, and buy whatever your heart desires.

But you’re not done yet. You also reinvest part of those profits back into the machine to attract more clients.

Then, you rinse and repeat, creating a flywheel effect that drives rapid growth.

Got it?

Excellent. Let’s build this thing.

Step 1: The “Cold-to-Sold” Ad Matrix

This is your top-level cold traffic campaign. Forget the usual funnel nonsense.

We’re focusing on getting your message in front of the right people and making them stop, look, and engage.

For now, we will talk about the “cold traffic” top-of-funnel (TOF) ads.

We’ve repeatedly found immense success growing our partners' bottom lines by dialing in the TOF campaign.

It’s about generating high-quality leads at the lowest cost and tracking metrics like cost per lead and dollar per lead to ensure you get the most bang for your buck.

Where most coaches fail

on the very first step is needing to understand the key metrics and how to improve each metric.

We take a meticulous, calculated approach to determine what to optimize with ads to increase lead flow, lead quality, and end conversion rates.

For example,

If your CPM is rising and your ads have a high-frequency score, you must look at the branding, the face used with the content, and

what’s causing your market to scroll past you.

We focus on targeting, ad copy, creativity, and offering to ensure high ROI for cold traffic ads.

Targeting ensures you’re getting your ads in front of the right audience.

Gary Halbert said it best in one of his marketing classes, where he posed a seemingly simple yet profound question:

"If you and I both owned a hamburger stand, and we were in competition, what’s the one advantage you would want to have over me to beat me every single time?"

Students suggested various competitive edges: the best location, the highest quality meat, the lowest prices, etc. Halbert listened patiently to all these answers and then revealed his answer that trumped them all:

"A starving crowd."

In today's world, this principle is more relevant than ever.

For instance, a company like Apple excels not just because it makes good products but also because it has cultivated a "starving crowd" that eagerly awaits its latest innovations. Similarly, Netflix succeeded by tapping into a market craving on-demand entertainment without the hassle of traditional cable.

Do you have a clear, highly effective Offer, Targeting, and Messaging matrix?

Step 2: The Million Dollar Microwave

Most leads won’t buy immediately.

And to ensure that you’re not wasting your hard-earned money and effort…

A lead nurture system isn't just a nice-to-have—it's your ace in the hole.

Imagine you’re leading a pack through a dense jungle of choices.

Your prospects are bombarded with options, promises, and pitches. Without a well-oiled system to guide them, they’re as good as lost, wandering aimlessly or falling prey to a slicker competitor.

We start with a seven-day system to automate the nurturing process, ensuring your leads are primed and ready to convert. This playbook is your ticket to turning cold leads into warm prospects, ready to jump into your sales process.

The principle is based on

three factors.

First, let's talk indoctrination. It’s not about brainwashing—it's about education.

A solid nurture system teaches your leads about your unique value, subtly shifting their worldview to see you as the obvious solution. You’re planting the seeds of loyalty and aligning their desires with your offer.

Building authority and trust?

That’s your next power move.

In a world filled with noise, people gravitate towards confidence and credibility. A nurture system positions you as the expert, the go-to guru who knows and owns the game. Every touchpoint is a chance to reinforce your standing as a trusted advisor who can solve your problems.

Finally, driving leads to

your sales mechanism

, which is (literally) where the money happens.

The best nurturing guide leads seamlessly to the point of purchase, like a well-designed maze leading a mouse to the cheese.

It’s not just about making a sale; it’s about creating a buying experience where the decision feels almost inevitable. You’re not just selling a product or service; you’re selling a journey that ends in satisfaction and value.

In short, a lead nurture system is your strategic edge—

a robust framework that transforms cold prospects into loyal customers who buy, rave, and return for more.

It’s the difference between shouting in the wind and having a conversation that leads to a handshake.

Step 3: The DTO Preso

When you harness the power of the DTO Preso 7-step framework for creating a sales pitch, video, webinar, challenge, or sales page, you're playing a game of precision.

Nail it; you’ve got a finely-tuned machine that captures attention and converts like a charm.

Miss a beat, and the whole thing can crumble faster than a house of cards in a windstorm.

Start by getting them excited about what's in it, describing their problems and how you’ll solve them, and proving your expertise. 

Move into the nitty-gritty: articulate their issues and your solutions,

show your unique blueprint, and finally, bridge to your pitch. 

Whether selling a course or booking a call, this playbook ensures your message hits home. Here’s what goes right and can go disastrously wrong when you follow this framework to the letter.

What Goes Right

1. Overloading Information: Stray from the framework, and you risk dumping too much information on your audience. Instead of a clear, engaging journey, you create a maze of confusion. Your audience gets lost in the details, overwhelmed, and ultimately tunes out.

2. Lack of Connection: Skip a step or miss the nuance, and you lose that vital connection. Your pitch becomes just another noise in the cacophony of marketing messages, failing to resonate or stick. It’s like trying to spark a fire with wet wood—no matter how much you try, it won’t catch.

3. Eroding Trust: Deviating from the framework can lead to inconsistencies and gaps that erode trust. You come off as disorganized or, worse, deceptive. Trust is hard-earned and easily lost; a misstep here can cost you dearly.

4. Flawed Call to Action: A botched execution leads to a call to action that’s either too aggressive or too timid. It feels like a mismatch, leaving your audience either put off or unsure what to do next. It’s like throwing a party but forgetting to send the invitations—nobody shows up.

Do you feel confident that you can drive leads to your sales mechanism and know a high percentage will turn into clients without you lifting a finger?

Step 4: The Outbound Amplifier

This is where rapid growth happens. When leads come in, they need a watertight nurturing system that feels personal.

It's not just another outreach tool—it's

a sophisticated approach that challenges traditional selling.

By first reaching out to leads with a "customer service" mindset, The Outbound Amplifier lays the groundwork for trust and meaningful engagement, setting you miles apart from your competition.

Starting the conversation with genuine care and assistance, rather than a hard sell, shows that you value the lead’s needs and are invested in their success.

This approach builds an authentic connection, fostering trust and credibility. This human touch is rare and impactful in a market where everyone is screaming for attention.

Once trust is established, The Outbound Amplifier seamlessly transitions leads into your selling system. When exposed to your sales message, they’re already warmed up, primed, and more likely to engage further.

This isn’t just about making a sale;

it’s about creating a customer who feels understood and valued from the first interaction.

Start this yourself to get a feel for what’s working, then hand it to a team member.

The key here is consistency and value—

don’t just sell, engage and nurture.

This keeps leads from slipping through the cracks and ensures they’re primed for your funnel.

Ask yourself:

Do you have a system that can quickly and reliably build trust in your niche and ensure you turn leads into sales conversations… Ultimately, seeing your sales go up month-to-month?

Step 5: The Coaches App Funnel

We’ve got an eight-step process from initial contact to closing the sale.

The "app funnel" is more than just a sales pipeline—a finely-tuned conversion engine crafted to outperform and outshine the competition.

Each of its 8 meticulously engineered steps

is designed to capture attention and transform skepticism into curiosity and curiosity into commitment.

This isn’t about being another voice in the crowd; it’s about standing out as the only voice that truly understands and delivers value.

Your app funnel differentiates you from the pack regarding the initial touchpoint. It's built to engage leads deeper, warming them up with

personalized interactions

and insights that speak directly to their needs and desires.

As they progress through each stage, they’re not just moving closer to a purchase—they’re building a relationship with your brand, feeling increasingly confident in the high-value solutions you offer.

By the time they reach the end of the funnel, they're not just ready to buy—they're ready to invest in a high-ticket solution they believe in.

And that’s where you and your sales team come in,

set up perfectly to close deals at premium price points

, turning warm leads into satisfied, loyal customers who see you not as just another coach but as a trusted partner in their success.

Start with CTA content, move to an application or waitlist, and then through a series of qualifying and nurturing steps that ensure only the best leads make it to your strategy call.

Use the 4P Closing System in these calls to handle objections and seal the deal. This funnel keeps your process streamlined and leads engaged, ensuring high conversion rates.

Step 6: The 4-P Closing System

If you’re aiming to scale consistently to $100k, $250k, $500k, and beyond each month, you need a powerhouse system that can effectively convert your leads into high-ticket sales.

If you or your sales team aren't hitting the mark on conversions, you’re essentially pouring time, effort, and money down the drain.

Instead of seeing growth in revenue and profits, you’ll end up feeling frustrated—or even downright angry—at the lack of progress.

It’s not just about working harder; it’s about working smarter with a system that delivers results.

Closing high-ticket deals isn’t just about having a killer product or service—it’s about mastering the art of the conversation. As a coach, you’re not just selling but guiding a potential client through a transformative journey.

You can effectively close high-ticket deals by leveraging three crucial steps: preparation, presentation, and persuasion.

Step 1: Preparation

Preparation is your foundation. Before entering the conversation, you need to know your prospect inside and out. Research their pain points, goals, and current situation. Understand their industry and challenges.

This isn’t just about gathering data—it’s about empathizing with their struggles and envisioning how your solution can change their world.

Next, prepare your pitch.

Customize your approach based on the prospect’s needs and aspirations.

Anticipate objections and consider how to address them confidently and clearly. Have testimonials and case studies ready to demonstrate your credibility and the success of your solutions.

Preparation isn’t just about what you bring to the table—it’s about the mindset you cultivate.

Enter the conversation believing you’re not just making a sale but offering a valuable transformation.

Be ready to listen more than you speak, showing genuine interest in their journey.

Step 2: Presentation

When it’s time to present, it’s not just about spewing facts and figures. Your presentation should tell a story that places your prospect at the center as the hero.

Start by addressing their pain points directly, showing them that you understand their challenges and empathize with their situation.

Use your prepared data to illustrate how your solution can uniquely meet their needs.

Focus on the transformation rather than the features of your product or service.

Paint a vivid picture of what their world could look like after they leap with you. Make it relatable, tangible, and aligned with their vision of success.

Remember, your presentation should be interactive. Ask questions, seek feedback, and make it a dialogue rather than a monologue.

This keeps the prospect engaged

and reinforces your focus on their needs, not just pushing a generic pitch.

Step 3: Persuasion

Persuasion is where the magic happens. It’s not about manipulation; it’s about guiding your prospect to see the value in your offer. This step involves addressing lingering doubts and solidifying their belief that your solution is the best fit.

Start by reinforcing the benefits and the value they’ll gain from your high-ticket offering. Use social proof—share stories of other clients who’ve achieved great results.

This builds trust and shows that

success is not just possible but probable.

Handle objections gracefully. Rather than pushing back, view objections as opportunities for further clarification and reassurance.

Show empathy and understanding, and provide concrete examples or evidence to alleviate their concerns.

Finally, create a sense of urgency without being pushy.

Highlight the cost of inaction and what they stand to lose by not moving forward.

Offer a clear, confident call to action that makes it easy for them to say yes.

The magic of the RMAS Method is in its integration.

Each playbook is designed to work in harmony, creating a system where the whole is far greater than the sum of its parts. You’re not just adding steps; you’re building a machine that scales, automates, and delivers results.

No more scattergun approach, no more wasted efforts. You follow these playbooks and set yourself up for exponential growth.

One plus one doesn’t equal two here—it equals much more money because of the steady stream of leads turning into clients.

As Of Today All Spots For Are Almost Gone

We can only work with a small handful of coaches at a time, so if you want to hit consistent $100k, $250k, and higher months and would like us to build and run the predictable “client on demand” system so you can focus on being in your zone of genius, please contact us.

For the rest of this report, I’ll explain how our process works, how you can get started, and what you’ll get by working with us…

First, you need to know this works.

If we can scale multiple 6-, 7- and 8-figure coaching businesses using the RMAS Method, and our partners, the coaches like you are…

…hitting their sales goals month-to-month.

…not worrying about bills or finances because they’ve blown past their profit targets.

…having a stream of high-quality clients sign on each week.

…without burning out…

…all while taking the time off they want every year…

…then I have to believe this system will help create freedom and scale for you and your business, too.

We see our partners' wins, hard data, and their growing leads, sales, and income numbers weekly. Which is why they say things like…

“It’s the happiest I’ve ever been…” while doing over $1M in profit PER QUARTER.

Then another coach using our system added an extra $100,000 cash collected AND $35,000 in monthly recurring in less than 7 days of starting…

Plus, it's working just as well for new coaches. With one partner, we turned on their first straight-line selling systems, which added over $50,000 in new clients.

Or how about another coach using the same system that did $566,600 in sales in less than 30 days…

“It’s the happiest I’ve ever been…” while doing over $1M in profit PER QUARTER.

Then another coach using our system added an extra $100,000 cash collected AND $35,000 in monthly recurring in less than 7 days of starting…

Plus, it's working just as well for new coaches. With one partner, we turned on their first straight-line selling systems, which added over $50,000 in new clients.

Or how about another coach using the same system that did $566,600 in sales in less than 30 days…

Second, I cannot stress enough that the RMAS method does not rely on “one thing” to work.

Hopefully, you will see how the six components work together in harmony by now. The entire machine breaks down if even one piece is missing (or if you just get some pieces in the wrong order).

Remember the metaphor I gave you earlier for The Avengers and Thanos?

Thanos can’t do much if he only has one, two, or five infinity stones.

He, just like you, needs all 6 to have the outcome.

This is why if you’ve tried to grow your business using tactics like VSLs, webinars, challenges, book funnels… or following a business coach's or gurus' advice…

…and it hasn't worked the way you wanted it to.

It’s not your fault.

You’ve just needed a complete system…not the “Frankenstein effect” that so many coaches end up with as they take bits of pieces from one person or another.

While we have boiled this process down to an exact science, implementing it on your own could easily take 100+ hours, and even then, you wouldn’t know what “success” looks like because you’ve never built or deployed a marketing system like this before.

Third, there is ZERO risk for you to get started.

There’s a good chance you’ve been burned before and wasted money on coaches, courses, or masterminds.

There’s a good chance you're still hesitating even after I lay everything out for you here and show you proof that this works.

This is why we offer a 100% success guarantee to ensure that you and I are on the same page. It’s a no-brainer for you to book a demo call, at the very least.

This way, you will be comfortable getting started and not feel like you have to lock yourself into anything long-term.

Fair? So, let’s get into exactly how it works from here…

Step 1: Book your free 1-on-1 demo call here <

Step 2: You have a Demo call so we can show you exactly how the RMAS system is built and installed in your business. This also ensures we can answer all your questions. If you’re a perfect fit and you’re ready to get started…

Step 3: We audit your current marketing and sales strategy and create a 12-month marketing and growth plan to integrate all the missing elements according to our RMAS Model.

Step 4: We strategize and build each component as needed using KPI-driven financial models to ensure profitability. We then walk you through each step so you’re confident in everything.

Step 5: From here, we follow our Partner Cadence to establish baseline KPIs, scale winning campaigns based on the quarterly marketing plan, and communicate in our monthly, weekly, and daily rhythm.

As Of Today All Spots For Are Almost Gone

“Okay, Chris, So How Much Is It?”

If you’re already delivering to clients, it will cost you a FORTUNE to not do this.

At least, that's what my other partners realized when they first joined us because the amount of money you’re currently losing without us will likely make you cry.

By nature of our work, we are creative and flexible in structuring partnerships, but everything is based on results.

-> All our partnerships contain a combination of a monthly retainer and profit share because I consider this a partnership. We are flexible in structuring the profit share after we agree that we want to work together.

->While the structure for the investment varies from coach to coach, the starting investment is $2,995.

(While some people may think this may be filled with hubris and insensitivity to share numbers on a public page, all growth starts with utmost transparency and telling the truth. Great entrepreneurs appreciate warmth and transparency)

...most of our members and partners grow the extra revenue within weeks of us getting started, so effectively, we’re free for you because it’s all focused on profit growth.

With that said…

We know we could charge more for this, but we don’t want to. We want members and partners who stick with us for three years or more because they realize the value. The longer we work together, the more we know their business, and the better it works for everyone. So, we don’t sell anyone into this program. We offer it.

Final Note…

We’re not an agency, and we’re not ‘scaling’ what we do by signing on tons of clients. Our incentive is scaling your business, so we are all aligned with the correct incentive to grow your bottom line.

I have deliberately set this business up to give myself and my team a maximum lifestyle advantage while delivering a level of results and service not available elsewhere.

How Do I Get Started?

If the above speaks to you and you'd love to work closely with us, just book your free 1-on-1 demo first so we can ensure we can scale your offer and give you the growth you’re looking for.

As mentioned above, on the page after, you choose the time for your demo call to review everything, answer all your questions, and ensure this is a perfect fit.

This is not a sales call, as you already know the initial price to get started, so you’re only getting on the call to finalize details.

If you need to be sold, I suggest you look into someone else’s program or service. I am not interested in convincing someone why they should pay me barely six figures to take over the most important part of their business and make it run like a predictable money-making machine.

The potential upside for what we bring to our partners is millions per year…

As Of Today All Spots For Are Almost Gone

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The Rainmakers is a sales and marketing education and training company. We do not sell a business opportunity, “get rich quick” program, or money-making system. We believe that with education, individuals can be better prepared to make investment decisions, but we do not guarantee success in our training.

We do not make earnings claims, effort claims, or claims that our training will make you any money. All material is intellectual property and protected by copyright. Any duplication, reproduction, or distribution is strictly prohibited. Please see our Full Disclosure for important details.

Statements and depictions are the opinions, findings, or experiences of individuals who generally have purchased education and training. Results vary, are not typical, and rely on individual effort, time, and skill, as well as unknown conditions and other factors. We do not measure earnings or financial performance. Instead, we track completed transactions and satisfaction of services by voluntary surveys. Results show that most Advanced Training clients who apply the training achieve successful outcomes. However, you should not equate completed sales closing transactions with financially successful transactions. Further, many customers do not continue with the program, do not apply what they learn, or attempt to apply what they learn but nonetheless have difficulty in making sales successful for them.

The Rainmakers may link to content or refer to content and/or services created by or provided by third parties that are not affiliated with The Rainmakers. The Rainmakers is not responsible for such content and does not endorse or approve it. The Rainmakers may provide services by or refer you to third-party businesses. Some of these businesses have common interests and ownership with The Rainmakers.